
I need some feedback, what do you want to read about?

I’d like to change the above quote, taking out advertising and replacing it with marketing. I recently started taking some online marketing courses. I am not good at marketing, at all. I am learning however, that if you’re not aiming at something, the chances of hitting it are slim, and hard to replicate. Not that I haven’t been aiming at specific goals, I have goals, but I think they’re too far down range. I need to bring some targets a little closer, but haven’t really understood how to do that. This class is helping me understand that better, and given me some steps to take to keep my big targets, but have other closer targets to aim at and keep moving forward.

I have recently been trying to work on my behind the scenes scheduling. I am great at keeping a schedule in mind, but not so great at writing it down. But I am going to really try hard to get things written down so I have a clear path ahead of me for several weeks or months in advance. So I printed out a month calendar and wrote on it the big business things that need to be planned out in advance, or that take up a lot of my time so I needed to make sure I didn’t overlap them and possibly not have time to finish one or the other. Here is my June schedule:

There’s not a lot on there yet. But remember, I have 3 kids at home and my husband’s contracting business to assist with besides my business. This is the minimum business items that need to get done each week. July looks about the same. What I want to do is write a topic for each blog post ahead of time so I have something in mind to be thinking about. This makes the blog writing process so quick when I’ve already written it in my head, and often, when I have an idea ahead of time, I write it over the course of days rather than impromptu on that specific day.

The Farmer’s Market takes up my entire day with packing, being at the market and then unloading when I get home, so I need that day to be totally blocked out. Videos I create, I used to do haphazardly, whenever I felt like it, but I am learning that a scheduled time for those is also better, not just for the viewer, but for my time as well and that it takes a couple of days to edit, so I need to have time to film and edit before I get them published.

Lastly, and this is where I would love some feedback (actually, I like feedback on all of it). In the marketing course it talks a lot about writing for a niche market. I don’t do that obviously. I enjoy writing about my rambling thoughts, my art and sharing recipes or whatever. So I am asking my audience, do you like reading my unspecific thoughts along with stuff about my art and recipes and whatever else I think to write on? I have debated on starting a more industry specific blog about art. Also, if you have ever watched my YouTube channel, it’s as random as my blog. I have debated there about creating more than one channel with each being very niche specific. Any thoughts on that? And lastly, do you have any topics you would like me to talk about that I could add to my calendar? Thanks for reading and for any feedback you might be willing to share!