Cedar 2

The past few days have been relaxed, which has been so nice. I have had the opportunity to paint a number of small, quick sketches on our down time which has been relaxing as well.

I had the opportunity to go get ice cream with my oldest daughter and then drive to the Cedar City Temple to watch the sunset.

Saturday we drove down to St George to see the explosion of growth in that area as well as to hit Costco. All I can say is So Many People. It was crazy big. We also drove past a couple of temples, one under construction and one being renovated.

Today was a great day to be at Church. We got to hear a family friend speak about his mission. We had a great family and friends dinner and fun conversations after dinner with family. I am so grateful for family and the opportunity to be here. I am excited for this upcoming week! (And apologize for any typos or grammatical errors!)

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