Chapter 1

My book is now in the process of being printed. It will be available as an ebook on April 30. I thought the process was going to take a lot longer so I picked a date a little ways off, now I wish I had known it would be a quicker process than I originally expect! But that’s ok. I can add the first couple chapters here so you can see what you think. I will add a link to my ebook when it is available. You can also buy it in hardback book form. I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

Where Am I Going

I don’t think I have ever talked to a person who was 100% satisfied with who they were, every part of them.  Not because they were not good people, but simply because they had the potential to be better, and they knew they did.  We have an innate desire to do better, to be better, to strive for something more.  It is human nature to do so, and that’s a good thing!  Imagine if we didn’t, we would still live in the dark ages.  No new technology, no new inventions, nothing ever changing.

Change, however, is hard.  We get comfortable with where we are, even if we know we need to do better.  Change often makes us uncomfortable because we can’t see where we’re going to end, maybe we don’t know if what we are doing now will give us the desired results we want.  But, however much we hate to admit it, change is happening to us all the time.  But if we aren’t the ones initiating it, then the change occurring is probably not the kind of change we are looking for.

I have thought a lot about this subject, as I want to be better, I want to do better in many aspects of my life.  I am not a perfect person.  But I have learned to embrace change, or at least most of the time.  Over time I have seen the fruits of change in my life.  Some of that change came out of necessity, I didn’t initiate it, but as time went on, I embraced it so that I would change how I wanted, instead of it changing me in ways that were detrimental to me or those around me.  Most changes that I notice differences in however, I have initiated myself on some level or another.   Goals I have set or habits I wanted to gain or get rid of.  Some of these changes have been obvious to others, most are small changes in my character, that I wanted to make, or decided would be good for me, over a long period of time

This book is designed to help you begin on a path that will hopefully never end.  We should never stop growing, never stop learning, and never stop striving for excellence in our lives, because average is the enemy of excellence.  Never settle for average, never settle for almost.  You can become who you want to be, it just takes some work.  This book will help you get started.

Think about your life.  Are there things you are not satisfied with?  Start here and list at least on general thing you would like to change.  It doesn’t have to be specific, and it can be as big or small as you want.










As you can see it is a work book. There are a number of places to write things down so that they stay all together. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I will load the second chapter some time next week, and then hopefully the actual book will be available! Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check back not only for the book, but for my other blog post!

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